Friday, January 28, 2011

Jan 26-28th 2011

     Obviously I don’t have a lot of time, Roman keeps me very busy.  So it's difficult to find time to write with silent reflection and a splash of creativity...But I write silly stuff down here and there and so yeah, here are my ramblings about Roman of late. 
     I am in the process of editing all these adorable 2 min videos I did with Roman from time to time in the last 6 months so hopefully soon that will be up on the blog for your viewing pleasure.  I know these videos won’t be exciting to all but to some, it just might be.  ;-)
     I’m about to be knee deep in creating 2 videos for my client before March 1st so I’m gonna guess there will be no time for an update in Febuary.  So I wanted to get one out while I could.

     The first thing I have to say is that Roman has made turning 30 a much easier transition.  I was not looking forward to it like most people my age...I had no idea he would affect me in the ways he has.  Even though he will be a constant reminder of my age I can’t help but focus on the fact that he will make every year of the rest of my life so much sweeter.  I love how children bring out the best in us, inspire us, give us strength to keep living in the best ways we know how.   I had almost forgotten how much joy children bring into the world when they come.  Its quite miraculous and divine.  I am so grateful for my baby!

     Everyday his consciousness deepens and becomes more alive.  It’s so much fun to watch him come alive.  I’m so grateful to be a part of it.  I enjoy each moment with contented love.
     Motherhood is indescribable. Everything is better. I feel like a complete woman...I know that sounds kinda weird, it's difficult to explain.
     As it is with every new deepening experience, its humbling and makes you understand the world on a whole new level.  I’m learning a lot in my new world. My Roman Wesley is too adorable for words...every time he shines his smile it makes me want to explode with happiness!!!  It's crazy though... to live with your heart outside your body...if anything happened to him I would's a lot to lose.. but SOO worth it.  

     Its been difficult to try to come to terms that he is going to get hurt now that he is on planet earth.  At times there will be no way for me to shield him from the dangers. 
He started crawling early at 5 months and by the time it really had it down, a week later, he became determined to pull himself to standing.  Now that’s all he does is go to the fireplace and pull himself up, play with his toys, throws them everywhere and while displaying extreme happiness with himself.  It is cherubically cute.  He can cruise the whole fireplace and couch now.  We’ve set up another less dangerous place to do the same thing (some boxes and his huge stuffed dragon!).
Here he is at the fireplace:

     However now that he’s standing and basically walking with assistance his falls are much more dangerous.  We have the fireplace corners covered in padding but no matter how much you “baby proof” or “ghettofy” your house it doesn’t feel like he’s safe.  Today he fell and it alarmed me so intensely that I started to cry as he was crying....haaaa  It’s funny now but at the time, it just scared me too deeply.  Like I said my heart living outside my’s difficult.  I kept wishing I could have prevented it somehow.  I can’t imagine what my mom & dad went through when I fell off the bridge in Disneyland while hitting the bridge with my head on the way down at only 4 or 5 yrs old!!  I still can’t believe that happened to me.  I just remember a haze of goofy & mickey mouse trying to comfort me while I had blood dripping from my head.  It must have been a sad sight though at disneyland.  Nothing bad is supposed to happen there!   I talked to my mom recently about my fear of Roman falling more now that he’s getting more speedy & mobile and after 6 children she says to me, “don’t worry they bounce back”.   haaaa  She has been there and back with children, and I with her for a lot of the way...I thought I knew, but I didn’t know.   Moms are super heros for sure.
     I know I know I sound like a classic new mom but I can’t help it!  I really thought I’d be more rugged with my yeah I’ll do it like the native villagers (the last of our hunter gatherer societies in the world) and just let him run around with a knife...eventually he’ll get it, he’ll learn.   Haaaa yeah right.  That would never happen now.  He is my most precious treasure that I will never be able to protect all the time and I’m trying to relax & let things just be as they will be.

Here are some pics from christmas 2010 at Mama's house in SLC, UT:
 First real snow adventure (with snow mans & snow ball fights) for Roman!

 Next to Christmas tree in front of Mama's house on the snowy Mountain!

 See!  He hugs now!

 Roman's favorite stuffed doggy he cuddled with during xmas vacation! So cute!

 Spit Happens

 All bundled for snowy adventures!

Family Pics:

 Opening xmas presents under Mama's magical tall tree:

Roman opening xmas present under our tree:

 He liked the gift wrap more than the presents! ;-)

 Roman his a 'lil steelers tee from unlce Roark

Roman playing on one of his favorite blankets handmade by Aunt Rachel & clothes compliments of  Mamaw Sandy & (his new playpen pictured from Mamaw Sandy):

     I find myself trying to pretend like I am a ventriloquist with his toys.  That way he can have more friends than just me and Eric.  And the books say that having stuffed animal friends at this stage will help his social development.  Maybe I can sign up for a local class or learn on youtube, I have the voices down, now I just need to learn how to make my lips not move....hmmmmm  Which reminds me... already, I’m doing the silliest things for Roman that I really never thought I would do.  I find myself searching for little tunes to keep him fuss free that I accidently started singing that very annoying Barney song...too catchy.  Luckily I’m alone and no one has any evidence ;-) its all for the entertainment, distraction and pure bliss of making him smile and laugh!  Which is always the best part of my day.  But I’m learning more about myself in this whole process and remembering to laugh at myself.  I had no idea I could make up little melodic ditties so well.  He just brings it out in me.  I mean they aren’t masterpieces...I don’t want to make a CD for anyone else but they work for Roman.  Call it mother’s instinct.  Feminine nature.  Rrrrrrrrrr.

     Its difficult to do automated phone calls now, Roman’s blabbering/fussing can’t be understood by the programed computer....haaa I can only get things done if I talk to a human.  Darn.

     He’s really obsessed with my keyboard for obvious reasons.  Through out the day I make many attempts to get stuff done on the computer while holding him.  Now he’s so strong that he can biserk out of my control and hit some keys on the keyboard...lets just say I’m seeing how many keyboard commands my computer really has... I’m usually wanting him to repeat the fast jerky movement that brings up the search command or something. 

     I’m always thinking of funny 2 page comedic writings on the adventures of baby world...but Jenny McCarthy already wrote that book.  Though mine would be less tragic.  Poor girl.

     Though I really miss my old life and miss my creative work & my freedom, I could never imagine my life without him.  Being with him, teaching him, loving him, raising him is the most important thing I can do with my life.

     Eric is enjoying Roman more and more everyday especially as he begins to show more personality etc.  Tonight Eric was loving on Roman and singing “Your face is worth a million thousand smiles”.  When Roman is happy and not crying Eric can’t get enough of him.  They are a cute pair.  Those eyes together melt my heart.
     We are excited to take Roman to his first Irish Festival that is coming up.  We already have a couple of Irish outfits and bibs (courtesy of dear Beth O’leary Padgitt family!).  “Kiss Me I’m Irish” & “My first St. Paddy’s Day”.  His proud Irish parents will flaunt him, maybe even get his face painted and put some Guinness in his sippy cup!  haaaa just kidding, he’s not quite ready for that.  But Eric will enjoy that with him in at least 16 yrs.
     There are so many firsts happening everyday with Roman.  A few recent ones are:  His bottom teeth showed up over new years and are being utilized already. 

He loves to bite any old thing with them.  Sometimes I give him a cold peeled carrot or cucumber (seedless) to gum on since he’s obviously teething and he loves it.  Solid food he’s tried includes a good amount of carrots, avocados, peas and squash and he’s dabbled lightly in prunes, apples and bananas.  He seems to enjoy all of it except the peas sometimes.
     He has 2 freckles.  One on his left arm and one on his right hand.  So cute!     He usually will laugh on cue now if you tickle him, bounce him really high, sing him a fun song etc.  I’ve found singing is one of the simplest quickest ways to distract him from any type of fussiness, unless he’s just really hungry or tired.  I’m looking forward to the days when we can communicate with more words rather than crying but I know I’m going to miss his baby days so much when they are gone.  If only reality was more like a cartoon...we could stay the same age for 20 years! Yah!
3 days ago he graduated to a big bottle.  Last night I was so surprised when he drained 2 8oz bottles in approx. 2 hours. He’s definitely hit his 6 month growth mark. 

     Tomorrow is his 6 month check up at his Pediatrician’s office.  I got a recommendation from the lady who started the local holistic mom’s group (I have yet to make it to a group meeting but am looking forward to it!) about a really great Pediatrician.  So we are trying him out.  Dr. Chad Olsen at Millennium Pediatrics. 

Here are some shots of Roman eating in his cute "lil man" shirt:



     Roman’s first visit with Dr. Chad Olsen went very well today.  They basically weighed him (19lbs 2oz) and measured him, well, dang it I can’t quite remember.  Maybe that’s because it doesn’t really matter too much.  Am I right?  I mean he’s not ridiculously short or overly tall so what does it really matter right?  He was really great and we had some great conversations about food, baby development etc etc.  Roman was a very good baby, except when the nurse was measuring his head.  It could also have been the cold metal weigher he was laying on naked.  We mentioned how Eric works for Standard Process Whole Food Supplements and so we are able to get our hands on some great balanced whole nutrition for little Romanito.  Dr. Olsen was very interested to hear more as well, that is his business, to be aware of heathy choices in our very ubiquitously toxic world.  So Eric will be stopping by to do what he does all day, educate doctors in the area about how to use these whole food supplements in their practice. 
     Dr. Olsen was surprised to hear that he crawled at 5 months and then started pulling himself and basically “cruising” the furniture while “holding on” for dear life.  He said that Roman doesn’t have to come in for another check up until he is 1 yrs old.  They do have a triage nurse there everyday if we ever need medical help in a crisis.  We also had a lovely snowy day drive and Roman was fascinated by all the silent whiteness.  I wanted to play with him longer outside in the flakey beauty but holy effing shiat its cold.  How am I going to let him walk to the bus when he gets older in this weather!?  He’s gonna look like the youngest brother in “A Christmas Story”. ;-)

Here are some pics from Roman's new favorite adventure.  Climbing onto Mama's new bookcase. 

 haa haaa
 He's my spidy boy

     I will end by expressing my thanks again to the Beth O’Leary Padgitt Family (Lee, Eric, Annie & Nick).  They are our only family here in Chi town and they have been such wonderful surprise.  We already have so many fond memories of some great times and look forward to more days of love 7 light in the future.  We also want to THANK Beth and Lee for their babysitting love!  Eric and I can’t tell you how much we ‘ppreciatechya!

And thank you all for all your love & support. xoxo


  1. Oh man, this was a great blog, sis. I laughed and I cried. I miss you all so very much- I want to walk to Chicago.

  2. Awesome to hear that child rearing is going so well for you guys! We're very proud of you two and Roman, wow! What fast progression! He'll be running circles around Brody before Brody cuts his first teeth!

    (BTW, I do NOT want to walk to Chicago, but it would be great to see you guys again)
